Listens with understanding to conversations and stories
Shares information and ideas in complete, coherent sentences
Follows three simple oral directions
Identifies auditory differences and likenesses (rhyming words)
Uses language for a variety of purposes
(making requests, expressing feelings, describing differences and similarities)
Identifies letters in name
Recognizes name in print
Identifies upper case letters (A-Z)
Identifies visual likenesses and differences
Predicts what will happen next in a story
Retells information after hearing it read
Recognizes the association between the spoken and written words
Shows an interest in books
Imitates reading while turning pages from front to back
Demonstrates left to right progression
Demonstrates top to bottom progression
Engages in group writing projects
Dictates stories from personal experience
Writes in a variety of forms to convey meaning
(scribbling, letter-like forms, letters)
Communicates full name
Communicates address (house number, street, city, and state)
Communicates birth date
Identifies circles
Identifies triangles
Identifies squares
Identifies rectangles
Identifies ovals
Identifies diamonds
Identifies octagons
Demonstrates understanding of relative positions
(up, down, over, under, etc.)
Uses basic comparison words
(bigger, faster, longer, etc.)
Sorts objects using one, two, or three attributes
Recognizes and duplicates ABC patterns
(red, yellow, blue, red, yellow, blue)
Seriates several objects (shortest to longest, etc.)
Shows interest in numbers and counting
Participates with group counting to 30
Counts orally to 20
Uses one to one correspondence
Counts to recognize how many are in a set
Identifies numerals 0-15
Recognizes ordinal positions: first, second, third, and last
Identifies pennies
Identifies nickels
Identifies dimes
Identifies quarters
Identifies the five senses
Uses senses to observe, classify, and order objects with a variety of characteristics
Identifies differences between living and nonliving things
(basic needs of living organisms are food, shelter, water, and sunlight)
Identifies basic concepts associated with night/day and seasons
Uses common weather vocabulary
(rainy, snowy, sunny, windy)
Expresses wonder and asks questions about natural happenings
Recognizes self and others as having shared and different characteristics
Demonstrates an awareness of likenesses and differences in families
Recognizes community workers and increases awareness of the jobs they perform
Understands beginning geographic concepts
Recognizes maps
Knows that the globe is a model of the Earth
Distinguishes between land and water masses on globe and maps
Separates from parents without reluctance
Exhibits appropriate emotional behaviors
Uses materials purposefully and respectively
Takes responsibility for own behavior and actions
Follows rules and routines
Manages transitions
Sustains attention to task over a period of time
Participates as part of the classroom community
Takes turns
Cooperates with children during group physical activities
Shows empathy and caring for others
Uses socially acceptable ways to resolve conflict
Respects adult authority
Uses appropriate skills when expressing needs, wants, and feelings
Uses balance and control to perform gross motor tasks:
throws and catches a ball
Performs fine motor tasks
Begins to practice self-help skills (buttoning, zipping, etc.)
Manipulates small objects
Cuts with scissors
Begins to control drawing and writing tools
Takes care of personal hygiene
Use a variety of art materials to express ideas and feelings
Shows interest and appreciation for work of others
Participates in group music experiences
Sings a variety of simple songs
Participates in creative movement and drama activities